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Symbol einer Seerose

Kinesiology session for adults

In persona (in practice)

In a protected space with a quiet, warm atmosphere, gently release blockages, decelerate, gain new perspectives & viewpoints for more joy of life and contentment.

60 minutes


Glückliches Kind

Kinesiology session for children

In persona (in practice)

In a protected room with a quiet, warm atmosphere, gently release blockades, strengthen self-confidence & improve concentration for more fun and serenity in everyday school life.

60 minutes


Dorn Methode und Breuss Massage

Dorn-Method & Breuss-Massage

In persona (in practice)

Gently move vertebrae and joints into the correct position with sensitive movements and then receive a back massage for the spine and intervertebral discs to relax tense muscles.

60 minutes

€100 für adults           €60 for children

Cynthia Kohler-Jones

Kinesiologie oder Lebensberatung

By phone or via Skype

Everything is vibration and energy.
Stay in your own environment, gently release blockages through energetic connection, develop and use new sources of power, bring energy into flow for more balance in everyday life.

60 minutes


Kinesiologie Session in der Natur

Kinesiology Session in nature

Kinesiology in tune with nature

When the weather is fine outdoors, gently release blockades with awakened senses, decelerate through nature's calming colour combination, arrive in the HERE and NOW, notice your own centre, new perspectives & points of view, gain for more energy and clarity in everyday life.

60 minutes


Kinesiologisches Naturcoaching

Kinesiology Nature Coaching

when kinesiology meets mother nature

With kinesiological practices in nature awaken and harmonize all senses, find inner peace, decelerate, recharge your batteries, promote well-being, deeply rooted through the earth, strengthen the immune system for more serenity, ease and cheerfulness in (professional) everyday life.

60 minutes


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