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Origin of the DORN Method

Symbol einer Seerose

The owner of the sawmill, Dieter Dorn from the Allgäu, suffered from lumbago while working in the 70s and could hardly move.
He remembered an old farmer who was able to treat such symptoms in some way, painlessly and quickly.
So he went to see him and was cured with just the pressure of a thumb.

Dieter Dorn wanted to learn this method too, but the old man just said: "You can do it too!" Soon after, he died and Dieter Dorn was left on his own.

Dorn's wife had suffered from severe headaches for a long time, so he treated her in a similar way as the old man had treated him and it worked right away. Encouraged by the success, Dorn developed this approach into a holistic method over time.
He discovered surprising correlations with a variety of health problems.

Many people in need came to him, up to 7000 people per year, including doctors and orthopaedic surgeons, and afterwards learned his method.

Even Dr. Thomas Hansen, specialist for surgery and orthopedics, heard about Dieter Dorn, contacted him and a wonderful cooperation between the specialist and the folk healer developed.

The DORN method is not in contrast to school medicine, but would like to be recognized by school medicine as an alternative to many operations.

Dieter Dorn clearly distinguished his method from chiropractic.
In the DORN method, the vertebrae are set up by lateral pressure on the spinous process or, where possible, by pressure on the corresponding transverse process. This requires a lot of empathy on the part of the practitioner, as Dorn said.

In contrast to chiropractic, the DORN method is harmless, as there are no stretching and no abrupt movements are made.

The essence of this method is the cooperation of the client and self-help exercises.

The DORNmethode" was born in cooperation with the naturopath Helmut Koch.
It has been used very successfully since 1988.

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