In the flow of life force energy
Reconnect with your soul and live your true self
For whom is Health Kinesiology suitable?

Health Kinesiology is suitable for all age groups and can be applied in all areas of life. Weak or sick people can also use Health Kinesiolgy with the help of a trusted caregiver, a surrigate.
The Health Kinesiology supports
personality development
life planning
goal setting (visions, wishes, goals)
solution of emotional blockades
reconciliation with wounds of the past
with learning problems
learning and performance blockades
reading and spelling weakness (dyslexia)
arithmetic impairment (dyscalculia)
examination anxiety / school anxiety / stage fright
concentration problems
hearing - seeing - body / movement
lack of memory
language problems (stuttering,...)
stress and anxiety reduction
strengthen self-confidence
finding solutions to conflicts
to have more harmonious relations
to master life with joy and ease
to come through inner movement to new energies and new perspectives.
with psychological problems
fear patterns of any kind
past unsolved events and experiences
blocking life patterns
negative moods
emotional stress, emotional lows
sleep problems, exhaustion, chronic fatigue, lack of energy
life crises
restrictive beliefs
unfavourable self-image, low self-esteem
relationship conflicts
mood swings, inner restlessness
to locate energetic disturbance fields
interfering fields such as teeth or tooth hearths
geopathic interference fields
foreign energies
to identify any kind of incompatibilities
food products
grasses / pollen etc.
children with the following matters
fears / bedwetting / sleep problems
coarse and fine motor skills
behavioural abnormalities
motor deficits
babies with the following matters
the baby doesn't sleep at night
it is very restless
the baby refuses the breast when breastfeeding
it cries constantly and is very restless
before, during and after pregnancy
unfullfilled desire to have children
in case of blockages due to negative experience (miscarriages,
abortion, abuse) -
difficult birth
difficult birth of a sibling
breastfeeding problems even after counseling
relationship problems
lack of family support
pregnancy fears
pregnancy mood
sleep problems
energetic blockages
fears of the child's father
financial problems and insecurities
difficulties to "hand over" the child
reactions of the siblings
professional stresses

Stress, anxiety and depression are caused when
we are living to please others. -Paulo Coelho

Very little is needed to lead a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your thinking. -Markus Aurelius

Wenn festgefahrene Verhaltensmuster geändert werden, löst sich die Blockade auf - und dann kann die Lebensenergie wieder frei fließen. -Paulo Coelho
Kinesiology does not replace a doctor and no psychotherapy - but it is a meaningful supplement and support to conventional medicine.